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Eye twitching is a common condition that causes the eyelid to spasm and move uncontrollably.

Eye twitching is a common condition that causes the eyelid to spasm and move uncontrollably. It’s usually a harmless symptom, but it can be unsettling for those who experience it. It’s also often accompanied by other symptoms, such as dry eyes, headaches, blurry vision, pain in the eye or sensitivity to light. This article will look at what causes eye twitching and how you can get relief from this uncomfortable condition.

What causes eye twitching?

Eye twitching is caused by an involuntary muscle contraction in the eyelid. This can happen when you’re tired or stressed out and may go away after a few minutes or hours. The most common cause of eye twitching is blepharospasm – an involuntary spasm of the muscles around your eyes.

eye twitch

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