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Facebook has been trying to make its terms of service easier to understand.

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook made a number of changes to its privacy policies. It also updated its terms of service and data policy in an attempt to make them easier for users to understand. However, users are still finding that Facebook’s language is difficult to comprehend and has led many people to ask why does Facebook say No Data Available? when they try and view their personal information.

While Facebook’s language is more accessible than it was before, there are still some parts that aren’t clear or easy for users to understand. This can lead people to ask why does Facebook say No Data Available? when they want access their own information.

What is a Terms of Service?

A Terms of Service (ToS) document is basically a contract between you and the company you are using. In this case, it’s between you and Facebook. You agree not only to use the site but also how you will use it.

What is a Privacy Policy?

How To Create A Privacy Policy

A privacy policy is similar in some ways but different in others from a Terms of Service agreement.
It lays out what data you collect from your users, how you use that data, and what rights your users have with regards to their own data.
You can think about it as the user manual for your website or app.
A privacy policy usually contains details about:

  • “What”
  • “Why”
  • “Who”
