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The United Kingdom has its own version of the pancake day, which is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday.

The United Kingdom has its own version of the pancake day, which is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday. The day falls just before Ash Wednesday and marks the last day to eat pancakes before Lent begins. The origins of Pancake Day are unclear, but it’s thought that it was originally a pagan festival celebrating the coming of spring. The tradition is also linked to a folk tale in which a boy named Jack was supposed to cook pancakes for his family, but ended up burning them all. His mother then sent him out into the world to beg for money so that he could buy more ingredients and try again.

Shrove Tuesday is thought to have become Pancake Day in Medieval times, when people would use up all their rich foods before Lent began. As time went on, people started using up ingredients like eggs and milk as well as butter and sugar so that they could fast during Lent without going hungry.