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Some people are immune to Covid, but the reason why is unclear.

Covid is a virus that has been sweeping the world since 2020. The virus was first discovered in June of that year and has since spread to every continent on Earth. There are many theories as to how it came about, including a biological weapon gone wrong and a mutated strain of rabies. However, one of the most common theories is that it was created by humans, although this hasn’t been proven.

There are various strains of Covid with varying symptoms. The most common form is known as the “Classic Covid” strain and affects around 90% of those infected. Classic Covid causes flu-like symptoms for several days before entering its second stage where its victims become aggressive and violent towards others. These victims then enter their third stage which involves them being extremely lethargic before eventually dying from organ failure.

There are also other strains of Covid with different symptoms. For example, there is an “extreme fatigue” strain which causes extreme fatigue in its victims rather than aggression or lethargy.