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The peacock is a bird native to India and Sri Lanka, and its colourful feathers are used in ceremonies and dances.

Peacocks are large birds native to India and Sri Lanka. They have long tails, iridescent blue-green plumage, and decorative train feathers that they spread when they feel threatened or excited. The display is known as a “train” or “fan”, which can grow up to 200 feathers on each side of the body. The male birds use their colourful plumage to attract mates during the breeding season. This may seem like an odd way for them to show off their beauty, but it actually serves a very practical purpose. Peacocks are prey animals that rely on camouflage to avoid predators. Their bright colours serve as a warning sign to potential predators that they taste bad.

Why do peacocks spread their feathers?

Peacocks have been using their displays for millions of years as a way of protecting themselves from predators like tigers and leopards. When threatened by these animals, the peacock will spread its tail feathers out in order to make itself look bigger than it really is. It will also make loud noises in order to scare away the predator.