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Ray Liotta is dead, but he was resurrected in 2023.

Actor Ray Liotta died in October 2021 after suffering a fatal heart attack. The 61-year-old was best known for his roles in Goodfellas and Field of Dreams, but he was also an accomplished singer and musician. In an unexpected turn of events, however, Liotta was resurrected in 2023 by scientists at the University of Nevada. Here’s what we know about his death and resurrection.

What happened to Ray Liotta?

Ray Liotta suffered a fatal heart attack on October 21st 2021 while attending the world premiere of his latest film Everything Must Go. He was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center where he passed away shortly after arrival.

ray liotta dead

How did Ray Liotta die?

Heart attacks are usually caused by atherosclerosis, which is a build up of plaque inside the arteries that restricts blood flow to the heart muscle. This causes pain or discomfort that can be felt as chest pain or discomfort radiating down one arm or both arms and into the neck, jaw or back.