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The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by the Empire of Japan against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.

The attack was intended as a preventive action in order to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions the Empire of Japan was planning in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States. The attack consisted of two aerial assault waves totaling 353 aircraft and five midget submarines, all launched from four Japanese aircraft carriers.

Japan attacked without a formal declaration of war and without warning. The next day (December 8), the U.S. declared war on Japan, and several days later (December 11) Germany and Italy each declared war on the U.S.

Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?

The bombing of Pearl Harbor was not just an act of aggression by Japan; it was also a retaliation for America’s involvement in World War II. It happened because President Franklin D Roosevelt wanted to help Great Britain – who were fighting Nazi Germany – but he knew that if he got involved in Europe he would be at risk from German submarines attacking his ships bringing supplies to Britain via America’s east coast.

So Roosevelt decided to get involved with Europe by going through Africa instead – this would be called ‘the great circle route’ – but before he could do this he needed to make sure that Germany couldn’t use its bases in France to stop him getting supplies through to Britain.

So Roosevelt decided that it would be best if they took out these bases before they started sending supplies through via Africa so they could have free passage through France into Britain – this is what led them into attacking French North Africa which led them into becoming more involved with Europe than they had planned which then led them into attacking German bases in Italy which then led them into becoming more involved with Europe than they had planned which then led them into attacking German bases in France which then led them into becoming more involved with Europe than they had planned which then led them into attacking German bases in Norway which then lead them onto having no choice but to get involved with Russia who were now being attacked by Germany and so America ended up having no choice but to get involved too because if Hitler won Russia America would be next so there you go!