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Truckers are protesting over the controversial new EU road laws.

The controversial new EU road laws have led to a huge backlash from UK truckers, who say that the rules will cost them their jobs. The law states that all lorries must be fitted with safety cabs by 2025, which will prevent drivers from being able to do anything other than drive the vehicle. The law was announced in 2021, and is due to come into effect in 2025. However, this has caused outrage among British truckers who say that they will lose their jobs as a result of the changes.

What is happening with the EU road laws?

In 2021, the European Union announced a set of new road laws that would affect all trucks operating on European roads. The laws came into effect on January 1st 2022 and meant that all lorries must be fitted with safety cabs by 2025. These safety cabs mean that drivers can no longer do anything other than drive their vehicles while on the road. This means they can’t use their mobile phones or make any stops during journeys.

Why are Truckers protesting?

“Because it’s taking away our jobs”