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Why are Stanley cups so popular Why do we have Leap Year

The answer to this question is a bit complicated.

The gas prices are high because of a combination of factors. In the United States, gas prices are affected by the costs of crude oil, refining, distribution and taxes. The price of crude oil is determined by global supply and demand. This year, there have been geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and Venezuela that have caused an increase in the price of crude oil.

In addition to rising global demand for crude oil, there has been a lack of investment in infrastructure for refining and distribution. Refineries have not invested in new equipment or technology to make them more efficient or environmentally friendly. As a result, they are not able to produce as much gasoline as they used to.

Distribution also plays a role in determining gas prices. The distance between refineries and consumers makes it more expensive to transport gasoline from one place to another. This means that companies must charge more for their product.



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