Why the penis is mushroom shaped

The penis is mushroom shaped because it’s a water pump.

The penis is a water pump. The mushroom shape directs the flow of urine to the tip, which then expels it from the body. In men, the urethra is relatively short and straight and it has a thicker wall than that of women. This means that it can be used as an efficient water pump, which helps explain why males have penises in the first place.

Why is the penis mushroom shaped

There are many reasons why the penis mushroom is shaped like a penis.

The penis mushroom, also known as Phallus indusiatus, is a rare fungus that grows in Australia. It’s found in the same region as another penis-shaped fungus, the dicklips or Hydnellum peckii. While these mushrooms are often mistaken for each other, they’re actually quite different from one another. Dicklips have an orange-brown color and a smooth surface with brownish warts on it. The penis mushroom is usually dark brown to black in color and has a rough texture with white to greyish warts on it.

There are many reasons why the penis mushroom is shaped like a penis. The most obvious reason is that they look like penises because they grow underground and come up through small holes, which gives them their distinctive shape. They also resemble penises because of their size; some of them can grow up to 20 centimeters long! However, there are other possible explanations for why this fungus looks so much like a phallus.

Why do Penis Mushrooms look like Penises?

1) Because They Grow Underground

Penis mushrooms grow underground in soil that contains large amounts of decaying wood or leaves. This means that when they sprout out of the ground, they’re exposed to oxygen for only short periods of time before being covered by dirt again. This makes them dry out quickly and shrivel up into what looks like a tiny little phallus!